Explosion Protection Document (EPD) and OTHER DOCUMENTATION

The DSEAR Regulations do not specifically require an Explosion Protection Document (EPD) to be created or developed for a facility, site or process under investigation. However, a requirement for an EPD is stipulated in ATEX Directive 99/92/EC (ATEX 137), Article 8.


HAZOP.EU recommends creating and developing an EPD to detail the operation or process under investigation and demonstrate the methodologies, assumptions, calculations, hazardous area classification drawings, risk assessments, recommendations and findings of the DSEAR or ATEX 137 study conducted.

From hazop.eu experience, some clients have a significant proportion of the necessary information to compile an EPD, but just have not compiled it into the necessary format or structure to demonstrate compliance. Other clients may be starting from scratch, as this is a new journey for their organisation or facility. Don’t worry, hazop.eu can help your organisation create, develop and compile your EPD to demonstrate DSEAR and ATEX compliance, regardless of what stage your organisation is at, in their compliance journey.

HAZOP.EU can also assist process designers and engineers in their construction and development of a fire and explosion protection concept, strategy or measures in order to define a Basis of Safety for the process or operation being designed and prior to construction. As part of this Basis of Safety, the hazardous areas are usually defined in order to demonstrate that fire and explosion risks have been identified and managed to a tolerable level, including any necessary protection and prevention risk reduction methodologies are in the design scope. HAZOP.EU has experience in conducting such work on an international basis for new, upgrade and expansion projects in various industries in order to help define the Basis of Safety for upcoming projects.

If you would like to discuss how HAZOP.EU can help with your EPD or Fire & Explosion Concept, Strategy or Measures, please do not hesitate to contact HAZOP.EU for an informal, confidential conversation.